DD: Scope

This document applies to ALL UKIP branded material on the internet, apps, and social media etc., defined as follows:

  • Where the content claims to represent the views of the United Kingdom Independence Party on behalf of the party, or could reasonably be interpreted as such and/or where the website-coordinator, the person who instructs addition, maintenance and removal of material from the site, is a member of UKIP.
  • Where the site uses the party logo, or features the party name as part of it's URL/ title.
    (Exceptions are newspaper style sites where there is a clear and unambiguous statement of editorial independence from UKIP prominently displayed.
  • Online material by candidates standing for the party, or it's elected representatives is also covered.
  • Printed material, such as letters to newspapers, which the newspapers make available online are NOT covered - but please remember it will probably be available by Google News searches and similar!

The intention is to act as a set of guidelines on correct logo, colours etc., as well as a place listing pitfalls and legal requirements to watch out for.

This is NOT intended as a guide on how to code HTML, Javascript, PHP etc., or Photoshop images. There are plenty of talented people in UKIP to be found elsewhere online who can help with that.New paragraph

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